Take a breath - Omni Channel Marketing

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, consumers interact with brands across a myriad of platforms. From social media to email, print media to mobile apps, the touchpoints are numerous and varied, navigating this complexity to ensure seamless messaging, it is crucial to have a well-aligned omnichannel marketing strategy – and here’s why it matters.

Take a breath – why planning matters.

SEO, backlinks, paid for, influencer, organic, domain authority, reach, AVE… the list of considerations for a campaign plan is seemingly endless, and when a hard-working marketeer needs to please multiple departments at once, there can be a lot of voices calling for a diverse set of results.

It’s easy to get caught up in the melee, and chase a host of individual targets, but often in doing so, the wider campaign can become fragmented, disjointed and lack overall impact.    

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, consumers interact with brands across a myriad of platforms. From social media to email, print media to mobile apps, the touchpoints are numerous and varied, navigating this complexity to ensure seamless messaging, it is crucial to have a well-aligned omnichannel marketing strategy – and here’s why it matters.

1. Consistent Brand Messaging

When consumers encounter your brand, whether through a newspaper column, a Facebook ad, an influencer promotion, or an email newsletter, the message should be coherent and uniform. Consistency in messaging reinforces brand identity and trust and even minor discrepancies between channels can lead to confusion, possibly alienating customers. For example, in the hype of a media storm surrounding the latest hot-button topic, it can be tempting to get in involved with the latest hot-button topic with an opinion or comment. BUT – unless it relates back to either your brand, your products or your market, think twice before wading in, or risk wasting impact.  

2. Enhanced Impact

A considered, aligned and thoughtful omnichannel approach ensures that no matter where you are read about, viewed or watched, the key messages surrounding your business are consistent, and easy to understand. This is often highly considered for the bigger ‘above the line’ campaigns, from press releases to synchronized promotions, but can get muddied across the more ‘below the line’ areas of a campaign. Yes, the email newsletter may go to a very small group of your customers, but does it still support your wider strategy?

3. Data-Driven Insights

An aligned and comprehensive strategy allows for better collection and integration of customer data. When all channels are synchronised, it’s easier to track your progress, share of voice and customer sentiment across multiple media sources. This integrated data provides valuable insights that can drive more personalised and effective marketing campaigns.

4. Increased Operational Efficiency

It sounds basic, but when marketing and communications efforts are aligned across all channels, operational efficiency improves overall. Teams can work more cohesively with shared goals and strategies, reducing duplication of effort and inconsistencies. This streamlined approach also helps in better resource allocation and budget management. For example, we always recommend that content created for one channel is always repurposed and adapted for others – proud of the latest white paper, or market commentary? Split it up into smaller chunks and make sure you share it on social media!

5. Stronger Competitive Edge

In a competitive market, and these days, aren’t they all? An aligned omnichannel strategy can be a significant differentiator between your business and the competition. A strong message signals to the world that your brand is professional, reliable, and one they can trust.

6. Improved ROI

Ultimately, all campaigns will have the aim of increasing growth or sales on some level, whether directly, or in the longer term. Knowing from the outset what you want to achieve, and setting out a clear road map of how you will make it happen leads to improved return on investment (ROI).

7. Future-Proofing the Business

The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and consumer behaviors continue to change. By maintaining a unified approach to marketing and comms, it’s easier to pivot and adjust your strategies to meet new trends or needs from the top down rather than piecemeal.

So, what does this mean in reality?

In short, after more than 22 years of working with companies of all sizes across industries ranging from Pharmaceuticals and healthcare, to automotive, technology and pets, we are well aware of the pressures our clients face to ‘get going’ with their marketing and communications campaigns.

However, taking a step back to consider the overall picture is crucial. Luckily, we have in house specialists in all disciplines from branding and design, to PR communications, social media and even PPC, so making sure that these areas all work together couldn’t be easier.

If you have any questions about how to turbo-charge your campaigns, why not give us a call and see how we can help?